You may donate in any of the following ways:
1. Donate via Text Message
To donate via text message, please text AAML13 followed by the amount you wish to donate (£1/£2/£5/£10) to 70070. (for example, AAML13 £10) Please note that the maximum donation per text message is £10, but you may send multiple texts for larger donations.
2. Donate via BACS
- Acc number: 01133605
- Account name: Azhar Masjid
- Bank Name: Al-Rayyan Bank
- Sort Code: 30– 00 – 83
- Standing order form: Standing order form
3. Donate by cash/cheque or in person
Please make cheques payable to ‘Azhar Masjid’ and post them to:
- Azhar Masjid
- 235a Romford Road
- Forest Gate,
- London E7 9HL
You may also visit us at the above address for any donations to be made in person.